It’s nearly Christmas!

At Litchard Mission, we love celebrating the Good News of Christmas: “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke chapter 2, verse 11).

We’d love to welcome you to one of our Christmas events this year, to discover more about the hope Jesus offers. Find out more below, or get in touch if you have any questions.

To keep up to date with other events, you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Nativity Trail
Tuesday 12th-Thursday 14th, 3-5pm

A Christmas story trail for families, with activities and refreshments.

The trail runs in and around Litchard Mission, and is suitable for children and grown-ups of all ages. You can arrive anytime between 3 and 5pm to do the trail. Everything is free.

Traditional Carol Service
Sunday 17th, 6pm

A candlelit service of carols and readings, with festive refreshments afterwards.

Everyone is welcome to join us, including children of any age. There is no need to book in advance, just turn up on the night!

Carols in the Car Park
Thursday 21st, 6.30pm

Outdoor carol singing, followed by soup and hot drinks.

Join us in our car park for some outdoor carol singing, and then join us indoors for some warming refreshments! There will be some seats available outside. No need to book in advance, just turn up.

Christmas Day service

A service of carols, with a short festive message.

Everyone is welcome to our service on Christmas Day from 10am. We will be finished by 10.45am, so you can get home for present-opening and lunch preparations.

Hope Explored
Starting in January 2024

A three-session course exploring the hope that Jesus offers.

If you’ve come to one of our events and would like to know more, you’d be welcome to join us for this short series in 2024.

You won’t be asked to read aloud, pray or sing. You can ask any questions you want, or you can just sit and listen. Contact us to find out more.