We’re a community of ordinary people who have encountered Jesus and had our lives changed forever. We’ve been meeting in Litchard since 1938.
Our desire is to give everyone in and around Litchard an opportunity to hear and respond to the claims of Jesus Christ. If you’re new to the Christian faith, or just curious, you might be interested in finding out more through our Christianity Explored course. You can read some of the beliefs we share in our statement of faith.
Our leadership
Adam Thomas is our full-time pastor. Originally from England, Adam moved to Bridgend in 2014 and became our pastor in 2017. He lives in Litchard with his wife and two children.
Adam leads most of our Sunday services, as well as some of our other meetings. He is also very happy to chat with people from the church or the local community about any issues of concern, or any questions about Christianity or the Bible. You can contact Adam at adam@litchardmission.co.uk, or 07753 992615.
We have a team of elders who serve alongside our pastor: Haydn Davies, Peter Evans, Mike Rogers and Paul Trotman. We also have a Youth and Families Worker, Caroline Taylor, who has been with us since September 2019. Our deacon and treasurer is Gwyn Davies.
We enjoy good relationships with like-minded churches locally and across the UK, and are affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches.
Whoever you are, we would love to introduce ourselves to you at one of our Sunday services, or you can get in touch.